Domain investors operate differently to domain traders. While domain traders earn their money by buying and selling domains, domain investors usually make their main income from domain parking and hold their domain portfolios for the long term. They may also sell a domain from time to time, but this is not their main focus. As a rule, it is not individual domains that are bought and sold, but entire domain portfolios.
If you are interested in buying or selling entire domain portfolios, please contact us and we will be happy to help you or introduce you to our services on the nicsell domain marketplace.
However, we not only support and advise domain investors in trading domain portfolios, we also offer registrar services. For investors whose main source of income is domain parking, it is particularly important to pay the lowest possible domain fees. The lower the fees, the more domains are profitable and do not have to be deleted or sold off. Take a look at our prices, which apply from 100 domains managed by us; we offer even more favorable conditions for larger volumes.
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